Summer & Fall 2021 (Classes & Events)

Herbal Greetings!

What a beautiful summer! The “herb cabin” is open by appointment or by chance. Classes are starting up and a new schedule is in the works. Classes will soon be posted! Enjoy the beauty of nature and the gifts of the garden, remember “one is closer to God in the garden than any place else on earth”. *Always consult your healthcare provider before using, taking or trying any new herb – herbal remedy – herbal treatment or supplement. Herbal identification is VERY important “when in doubt, leave it out”! *


September 11, 2021 – Time: 11:00 am to approx. 1:00 pm

“Preserving the Harvest”

Alright, you planted the herbs, nourished the herbs, harvested the herbs…. now what do you do with the herbs? Come to my herb cabin to learn many unique and different ways to preserver your harvest. Class size is limited to 10 guests, light herbal samplings will be shared, a donation of $25 will be collected. Contact me asap to save your spot at the herb table.

October 2, 2021 – Time 11:00 am to approx. 1:00 pm

“Soups On!”

This is a hands on class, we will be making and taking home lovely “herbal soup wreaths” made from freshly picked herbs from my many gardens. We will also be sampling a few enriching and tasty soups! So come gather around the harvest table in my herb cabin to learn all about and make & take an herbal soup wreath home with you! Donations of $30 will be excepted, 10 guest limit, sign up early…. this class will fill up quickly!

October 23, 2021 – Time 1:00 to approx. 3:00 pm

“Old Man Winter”

That old man is lurking around the corner! Prepare your household to battle cold and flu season with herbal remedies, teas, tinctures and healthful eating. This will be a very detailed class, for new “herbies” or seasoned vets, come explore and learn the wonderful gifts of the herb garden. A donation of $25 per guest will be collected, class size is limited to 10 guests. Light herbal samplings will be enjoyed. Head “Old Man Winter” off at the pass this season! Remember, “Food should be your medicine and medicine should be your food”!